Awards and Distinctions

Along its more than 30 years, TOFIVELA has reached some levels worthy of registration. Some of them, graced with distinctions that make this company credible.

PME Excelência 2023

PME Excellence 2023 status in the Industry category.This status represents recognition of the work carried out and the consistency of our company's growth.


Cliente Aplauso 2018

Distinction for the entrepreneurial vision, contribution to the economy.


PME Líder 2018

Status of PME Líder 2018, for the quality of its performance and risk profile, supported by IAPMEI.


PME Líder 2017

Status of PME Líder 2017, for the quality of its performance and risk profile, supported by IAPMEI.


PME Excelência 2017

PME Excellence 2017, for the quality of its performance and risk profile.


PME Excelência 2016

Status of PME Excellence 2016, with the support of BPI.


Cliente Aplauso 2009

Certified for its financial strength, economic performance, capacity for innovation, and involvement with Millennium BCP.